that start PES inside a dark place and then travel into a bright situation get washed out photos. The Gopro does not continuously adjust exposure therefore people such as skydivers, paintballers, marksmen, etc. Here is Hypoxic's list of issues with the GoPro HERO HD 3 Blacks: (Back red light of death - Only the back light is on and the camera is non-responsive) 5/1 second mode it can take up to 2 seconds to re-expose just FYI and this is how the HERO2 used to respond. From their readme, there must have been some issues with some SanDisk cards not making specs. NOTE: It appears gopro has moved to recommending LEXAR 600x class 10 cards. The latest release is pretty damn sweet! I've used if for a few weeks without a single bad video or missed still session!

This is the list of the latest GOPRO HERO3 updates. I recommend checking that you have the latest GOPRO HERO3 firmware by following these instructions. The latest gopro HERO3 firmware is located here on their site. GOPRO HERO3 Black Firmware revision 03.03.03 is now available as of !