The new skin tone sliders can help you customize to perfection. Maxis match blends with the original darker skin tones within the game.Located on Skin details, blush and tattoo. Youaren’t often given the option to play a character that best represents you. 1 + XP Me too 2 June 2020 - last edited June 2020 Options RandomBuzziness Expert colorclaw Any time you remove a mod from your Mods folder its a good idea to delete the localthumbcache.package file from your Sims 4 folder to clear your game cache. What you get: Default Skinblend Non-Default Skinblend Facemask (With two swatches, one is a bit dolly and the other has more contour) Six swatches of Bodyblush: Rosy, Red and Wine (100 and 50). Play you, or someone like you! Vitiligo isn’t a majorly discussed condition.There's a bunch of people who have used the 'skin details' section of CAS to increase detail, but they're not true skin tones. Adds realism to your game by adding diversity into your gameplay Maclimes Posts: 513 Member September 2014 edited September 2014 There's no tutorials for a true new skin, because no one (as far as I know) has made one yet.This is a maxis match mod designed to blend seamlessly into your game, and it comes in four different swatches.īe warned though this is an old mod, and with the recent skin tone updates to the skins, you might have to go to extra lengths to make sure the skin tones look just right. This is a skin overlay mod that brings greater realism to your game by allowing you to make sims with the skin condition Vitiligo. This will make a perfect addition to your game. baby skin 6 overlay vitiligo - 4 versions in 5 colors toddlers & infants & all genders baby hair 1 - 24.

If you are looking for a diversity of characters within your sims game or have Vitiligo and often find yourself underrepresented in media.