It is normally used for security purposes but also has a wide application in robotics.19) Solar Panel Library for ProteusSolar panel is a new and free renewable energy source, and it is widely used today because it only uses solar energy and converts it to electrical energy. It uses infrared waves which are transmitted from transmitter and are received by the receiver of this sensor, which tells us whether we have some obstacle or not. Our team has designed this transistor and you can download it by clicking the below button:18) Infrared Sensor Library for ProteusInfrared Sensor is used for detection of some obstacle in the path. Is not available in Proteus Components list. It’s main purpose is to use as an automatic switch or in cases it is also used for generating PWM pulse. You can download them by clicking the below buttons:17) C945 Library for ProteusC945 is an NPN transistor used in many engineering projects. The first version has just single heart beat pattern, while the second version has multiple heart beat samples in it. You need to place your finger on this sensor and then it detects your beating and you can count this beating via Arduino or any other.Heart Beat Sensor is not available in Proteus and we have designed two versions of Heart Beat Sensor. You can downlaod this Motor Driver Library for Proteus by clicking the below button:16) Heart Beat Sensor Library for ProteusHeart Beat Sensor is used to count the Heart Beat of a human being. Its quite widely used in Engineering Projects and has L298 module in it.Proteus doesn’t contain L298 Motor Driver in it so, our team has designed it in Proteus and its now ready to simulate in it. If you got any trouble then you can ask in comments or can use our Ask Question forum to post your questions.This Arduino Library for Proteus is unique in its kind because there’s no such library posted before which has as much boards as we have in our Library.

So, now you can easily use Arduino boards in and can simulate any kind of project in Proteus. We have tested all the boards with different types of hardware and there’s not a single bug present in it.

We were sharing them just for the sake of knowledge but today I am going to share our very own Arduino library for Proteus, designed by our team after a lot of hard work. You must also give a try to.I have already posted few other Libraries on my blog but those were third party Libraries and has nothing to do with us. In my previous posts, I have shared these boards in separate libraries but today I am gonna combine all the boards together in single library so that you just simple install this library in your Proteus software and you get all the boards in your Proteus workspace. I am quite excited about today’s post as its my first complete Arduino Library for Proteus.